State and Local Tax Services
Let us help you navigate the complex river of state and local taxes
Complying with state and local tax requirements can be very complicated, especially if your company does business in multiple states and jurisdictions. It is a challenge to keep up with the state and local (SALT) tax laws within one state. If you sell multiple products, the complexity can grow exponentially.
Nationwide, there are more than 10,000 sales tax and 80,000 property tax jurisdictions. Trying to keep current with the tax law changes and transaction tax rates while meeting multiple tax payment deadlines can be a considerable drain on your staff.
If all this sounds overwhelming, Ross-Stern & Associates can help. We can partner with you to assure your company or organization complies with state and local sales plus property tax laws wherever you do business. Our tax professionals can assist you by:
- Reviewing your sales tax situation and needs
- Analyzing tax compliance for each state and jurisdiction where you do business
- Gathering your company's tax data to prepare your monthly, quarterly, and annual tax return filings
- Managing your state and local tax payments, and confirmations
- Keeping you informed of our progress at every stage
The tax team of Ross-Stern & Associates provides these and other state and local tax management services:
- Sales and use tax process review
- Sales and property tax compliance
- California state | California Department of Tax and Fee Administration
- Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura, Riverside, Kern, and other counties/cities
- Multi-state sales and local tax compliance
- Reverse sales and use audit (sales and use tax refund)
- State tax credits and incentives
- Sales and use tax exemption claims
- Business License applications and tax (state and local filings)
- Managed or certified audits
- Tax audit appeals and resolution assistance
- Sales tax risk management
- Outsourced tax compliance and accounting services
- Nexus evaluation and management
- Unclaimed property assistance
Backed by the support of Ross-Stern & Associates, you can focus on growing your business with the confidence that your company is complying with state and local tax requirements.
Need help managing sales and local use tax? Contact us or call Ross-Stern & Associates at 818.776.0399 and schedule a meeting to learn how we can lighten the burden of managing state and local use tax for your business.